Are you about to renovate or build a house in Israel
and you don't know the Israeli mentality and the language?
I'm here to help you!
Over time and through my business I have come to understand the nuances of the mentality, the language, and the building market.
Through my work as an architect,
I want to bridge that gap to help you build your home in Israel.
Architecture and Interior Design Services
for clients who live abroad, speaking Italian or English, and new Olim (immigrants)

Please add your contact details below to schedule an appointment:
“She was instrumental in helping me find an excellent contractor who made the whole process quite painless.”
When I bought a new apartment and wanted to do some small renovations, I contacted Debby Schor Elyasy.
The original kitchen was in an awkward location,
lacked sufficient counter and storage space.
Debby resented me with two plans for the new kitchen
incorporating all of my requirements.
She was instrumental in helping me find an excellent kablan
who made the whole process quite painless.
She facilitated the conversation with the kablan
making sure I knew exactly what I needed to ask for.
Debby accompanied me to choose granite for the countertop.
I appreciated her expert eye when choosing the material.
The end result is a kitchen that is a pleasure to look at as well as to work in. It uses the existing space in a very efficient way.
The whole process went quite smoothly thanks to Debby’s professionalism.
Yedida Lubin, Jerusalem
"She adapts the project to the client, based on his needs and she provides top-level service!"
We recommend Debby Schor Elyasy with all of our hearts. She’s professional, she adapts the project to the client, based on his needs and she provides top-level service!
The end result speaks for itself!
Guests who come to our apartment can’t believe their eyes!
Thank you for everything!”
Maksim e Netia Karbazov, Rehovot
“The client feels like everything is under control”
"The amount of energy that you put into your work
goes way beyond a simple architectural planning service.
The willingness to learn new things (like the production of wine!)
and caring about the fact that the project meets all of the client’s standards, make the client feel like everything is under control.”
Lina, Kadma Winery, Kfar Uriah