Upgrade ideas towards Pesach
Interior design ideas to upgrade your apartment in Israel
Renovation in Israel - White and black materials
Hi! Today we are going to speak about one common mistake people do when they renovate or build their home in Israel. The mistake is...
An interesting solution to divide between the living room and the corridor
Hi! Ttoday we are going to see an interesting idea to divide between the living room and the corridor. Usually, there is a wall between...
Renovation in Israel - how to design the entrance of your apartment
There a lot of different options to upgrade and design the entrance of your apartment. In this video Architect Debby Schor Elyasy shows...
How to integrate elements of green architecture in your renovation
In this video I show you some "green" elements that can be used in your apartment renovation: 1. insulation: you can add an extra...
A small apartment renovation
In this video, I show you all the steps of the renovation of a small apartment near Jerusalem. My client lives abroad, and she wanted to...
How to renovate your home in Israel without getting mad - 10 Tips
How exciting! You have decided to renovate a house or apartment in Israel! The refurbishing process can often be time-consuming, tiring...
Guide to an exclusive healthy, and energy efficient house in Israel
In the guide you will learn: - What is "Green architecture," and why are green building and renovation necessary? - Basic principles:...
How to renovate your home in Israel without going crazy
In this short lesson, I will talk about: - How to choose the most suitable architect - How to choose honest and professional builders...