Are you about to renovate an apartment in Israel
but you don’t know the Israeli mentality and the language?
I remember that frustration when I moved to Israel years ago.
Over time, thanks to my work as an architect,
I have come to understand the nuances of the mentality, the language, and the building market.
Today my mission is to bridge that gap in language and mentality and help you build your home in Israel.
I will plan, design and manage the entire process of renovating the apartment for you only with experienced, reliable and honest professionals, so you can completely relax throughout the renovation process.
Planning and designing your apartment in Israel,
from the initial planning stages until moving day.
I specialize in working with new Olim (families that recently moved to Israel) and foreigners who have bought an apartment or a house in Israel,
Italian or English speaking.

How I protect your interests:
We will work with experienced suppliers and professionals that I have already worked with in the past and that I trust.
We will select them together from a recommended list, and I'll help you understand their proposals and contracts.
I will check the work of the contractor (chosen together) in the apartment, make sure that the work is done according to the plan, and ensure that the contractor uses quality building materials in all facets of the project. And of course, I'll keep you updated regularly on the progress.
The communication between us is conducted in English for your convenience
I will assist you in everything related to the interaction with the contractor and suppliers, and I'll support you all the way.
In the event we face any problems, such as the need to exchange goods, I will make sure to solve them as soon as possible and find the most efficient and appropriate solution.
How does it work?
Introductory meeting and
explanation of the process
We will meet (face to face or via Skype)
for a preparatory session in English
where I will explain to you
the following process:
How the renovation process is carried out
in Israel.
Which professionals participate in it.
What each of their roles is in the process.
What are the differences between the Israeli mentality and the mentality of people abroad and how I will bridge the gap between them.
We will review all the stages of the renovation process, and I will explain to you what happens at each stage.
We will build a schedule for the entire process step by step.

Translating your dream into sketches
This stage is the most important and exciting.
We will take the dream of your new house and begin translating it into reality.
The following is what we will do at this stage:
Fill out a questionnaire and search for inspiration images:
I will send you a survey (in English) by email. The survey will help me to get to know you in depth
and understand what you want for the new house, how you like to live, what your habits are, and what you love.
We will look for inspiring pictures of homes you love.
We will meet (Face to Face or via Zoom) and go through the questions and photos together and build a precise action plan.
Submission of ideas for your home design:
Three weeks after our meeting, we will meet again (face to face or via Zoom). I'll give you two or three options for designing the apartment.
So that you can understand how the house will look after the completion of the renovation, I'll make you three-dimensional, color sketches with suggestions for materials, colors, and style.
In the sketches, you will see where each room is located, what furniture is there, and where different elements are located.
You can choose which option you prefer immediately, or you can take a few days to think about.
And of course, you can ask for changes and improvements until you are satisfied.
And if need be, we'll meet again.
After we confirm the sketch you like, we can proceed to the next stage.
In case a building permit is needed, as a licensed architect, I will prepare the plans for submission to the Municipality, and I will handle all the licensing procedures.

Preparing plans for contractors
After selecting and approving the sketch,
I will prepare architectural plans [working plans]
with all the exact measurements and information that the contractor will need to get started.
Precise plans do not leave room for
inaccuracies or mistakes.
I will send you the set of plans for final approval. I will prepare a document for the contractor with a list that tells them exactly what they should do and to get an accurate quote for the job. (This document is called "Bill of quantities").
We will meet with two contractors in the apartment, to show them the working plans and the package for quotation and explain to them what should be done in the apartment.
I will invite two contractors I know and trust, both for their integrity and their high level of quality work.
A few days after the contractors meet with us, they will send us price quotes, and I will help you to understand them and choose the contractor that best suits
your specific job.
I'm there for you.
I'll ask all the questions for you.
I'll also explain all the professional terms to you so you can know exactly what the contractor's bid includes.

Accompanying you to stores to choose materials and furniture and all that is needed for the renovation
I will help you select the most appropriate quality
materials in line with your budget.
Together, we will go to showrooms,
and select tiles, sanitary ware, faucets,
bathroom cabinets, kitchen, marble,
fixtures, furniture and everything else needed to transform your apartment into your home..
Because in Israel there are also various local brands that do not exist abroad, I will show them to you so that you can make the right choice based on your preferences.
Before we go to the stores together, I'll go alone, and I'll do a market survey.
I will send you pictures, and prices of items that I think will suit you based on the sketch you selected and the budget for the project.
You will be able to see what we have in Israel and choose items you love beforehand, making
our tour more effective and efficient.
"Shopping List" - For the shopping day,
I will make a list of all the items to buy with measurements and quantities so that
we will not miss anything.
We will go to the stores that I know,
which I am used to working with and which
I trust for their customer service and quality.
If necessary, I will translate the bids to English so that you know what each proposal includes and I will help in negotiations with suppliers.

Regular visits to the apartment
during the work (supervision of the site during the renovation)
I will check that the contractor will perform the work according to the plan you have approved
and that he works well.
I will visit the apartment at least twice a week,
depending on the stage of the work.
I will be in close contact with the contractor to provide an immediate response to any questions or doubts they have.
There will be no need for you to visit the apartment during the renovation.
I will go to the apartment every time goods arrive to and check that everything is correct, matches the order, and arrives in the right quantities. If necessary, I am responsible for substitutions or completions.
To ensure that we do not exceed the timetables we set, I will build out a detailed work plan with the contractor, and I will check at the end of each week if the contractor has completed the expected work.
I also keep in touch with the suppliers and check that the goods are delivered on time throughout the entire process.
I will manage access to the apartment for the various professionals who are not directly related to the contractor, such as the carpenter or the windows technician.
After every visit to the apartment, I will track everything in a Google Drive file with pictures, comments, and summary of the inspection.
You will have access to the file at all times, so you are updated in real time on the renovation’s progress.

*If you live abroad
If you cannot come to Israel to choose the materials for renovation,
I will select and order everything you need.
I'll send you photos and bids with a few options. I will assist you in choosing what best suits your preferred design, tastes, and style.
I will manage payments for the professionals and shops for you
through a trustworthy person of the client's choice in Israel or directly with you.
I will manage the relations with the neighbors and the house committee.
We can manage the whole process on Zoom without the need to come to Israel
You also receive:
Excel file in Google Drive to manage your budget
List of standard dimensions in Israel
A package of consultation hours on the phone or via Zoom.
Dictionary of terms related to the renovation
A list of recommended and reliable suppliers
"Lechaim" in your new apartment!
What clients say...

“She was instrumental in helping me find an excellent contractor who made the whole process quite painless.”
When I bought a new apartment and wanted to do some small renovations, I contacted Debby Schor Elyasy.
The original kitchen was in an awkward location,
lacked sufficient counter and storage space,
and only had room for a single sink and oven.
I explained to Debby my kitchen requirements
and she presented me with two plans for the new kitchen
incorporating all of my requirements.
She was instrumental in helping me find an excellent kablan
who made the whole process quite painless.
She facilitated the conversation with the kablan
making sure I knew exactly what I needed to ask for.
Debby accompanied me to choose granite for the countertop.
I appreciated her expert eye when choosing the material.
The end result is a kitchen that is a pleasure to look at
as well as to work in.
It uses the existing space in a very efficient way.
The whole process went quite smoothly
thanks to Debby’s professionalism.
Yedida Lubin, Jerusalem

“The Contractor (kablan) you work with is competent and helpful, further to being remarkably friendly.”
I am very happy to have chosen to work with you because,
in addition to being absolutely professional,
you are extremely precise, punctual and responsible.
I highly appreciated the fact that even though you don’t
always agree with the client, you listen and try to
identify what they desire.
In addition to being remarkably friendly, the professionals you work with seem competent and helpful.
Thank you for everything!”
Manuela Cantoni, Milano
A bit about me!
Shalom! My name is Debby Schor Elyasy.
I fulfilled my childhood dream and immigrated to Israel in 2004.
Upon arrival, I experienced the frustration and insecurity that you feel when you do not have mastery of the language or a full understanding of the local culture and mentality. Today I feel like an Israeli despite being born in Italy, so it is important for me to help you realize your dream of having an apartment in Israel.
I am an Italian-Israeli architect with experience in architecture, interior design and green building in architecture offices in Barcelona, Milan, and Jerusalem.
I have an Israeli license in architecture (License No. 117947). My office, founded in 2009, deals with the planning of private homes, luxury apartments, offices, etc., starting from the initial planning stages and moving down to the smallest details, including handling licensing procedures.
In recent years, I have helped dozens of customers from Israel and from abroad successfully plan their home in Israel.
I would be honored to accompany you in the process of planning, designing and renovating your apartment in Israel.

How do we move forward?
We set up an initial consultation meeting in the apartment.
At the meeting, we will walk around the apartment to discuss its potential and discuss your dreams and requirements.
I will give you initial ideas for designing the apartment and for planning the process. A few days after the meeting, I will send you a detailed quote.
Cost of the meeting: NIS 585*, including VAT
To schedule a consultation, contact me:
Email: debby@dsearc.com
Mobile: 052-6452002
*The price is intended for apartments located in the Jerusalem area. For consultation in the Central area of the country, there will be an extra charge of 200 NIS

What if your taste is different from my taste?I believe that the house should serve the client. The client is the one who should feel comfortable and happy, not me. So it is important to me that the client be involved in the planning process from start to finish. It is essential for me to understand what is the client's favourite style and how they like to live their lives. My job is to help my client make their dream a reality. I do not plan based on one specific style I like; I choose and adapt the project's style to the particular customer according to their taste.
Are you an architect or an interior designer? What is the difference?I am an architect, and this means that I can work both in the design of new buildings and in interior design. If a building permit is needed, I can handle the process without splitting the process between many people. An interior designer can only design what is inside the house. And they are not authorized to issue building permits.
I only need to design a small part of the apartment (could be a kitchen and living room, or bathrooms). Is that possible?In most cases, yes. I suggest you contact me so that we can evaluate your situation.
Do I need to come to Israel to work with you to develop the plans and go to choose materials?If you are not available to come to Israel, I can take care of everything for you and manage the entire process online.
We are thinking of buying an apartment in a building under construction, can you help us with the the changes we wish to do to the plan and follow the works?Of course! I will be happy to help you make the necessary changes, to follow you throughout the design process and to represent your interests with the contractor.
Debby, it looks too beautiful to be true ..."Right! It sounds ideal! And sometimes there are failures, but I'm here to solve them and help you (as you can see in Brigitte's testimony below).

“The client feels like everything is under control”
"The amount of energy that you put into your work goes way beyond a simple architectural planning service.
The willingness to learn new things (like the production of wine!)
and caring about the fact that the project meets all of the client’s standards, makes the client feel like everything is under control.”
Lina, Kadma Winery, Kfar Uriah

"The cooperation of all the people involved in the project and Debby's supervision and keen eye were essential."
Debby sketched out a three-dimensional design and gave us several options.
Debby was here all the time—listening, checking and correcting—until we reached the result we wanted.
Debby was very pleasant to work with and always exceedingly professional.
Every question I had, she answered. Even better, she gave us fresh ideas that we would have never come up with on our own.
She was organized, confident, and knew her job.
The final result was excellent.
The cooperation of all people involved in the project and Debby's supervision and keen eye were essential.
I feel like I'm in paradise in my room—it’s an absolutely wonderful feeling.
I highly recommend Debby.
She invests time, comes to the stores with us, accompanies us, and gives us the best advice she can.
Moreover, all the people she recommended were excellent too.”
Rivka Arki Amar, harp player