Unique video series - Behind the scenes of my work

Unique video series where I show you, step by step, how I protect your interests all over the renovation process of your home in Israel and how I accompany you for the beginning till the end, so that you have an enjoyable experience.
To watch the videos of the series, click on the links below:
Video 1 - Introductory meeting - where I show how we start our work together and how I explain you how the renovation process works in Israel: https://www.dsearc.co.il/single-post/how-to-renovate-in-israel-with-debby-schor-elyasy-introductory-meeting
Video 2 – What are the budget elements that need to be taken into consideration when renovating: https://www.dsearc.co.il/single-post/video-series-behind-the-scenes-of-my-work-how-to-manage-your-budget
Video 4 - What plans I prepare for contractors, so that they know how to perform the works:
Video 5 - Going shopping: where I show you in which shops are we going and how we choose quality materials for your renovation: https://www.dsearc.co.il/single-post/renovation-in-israel-going-shopping
Video 6 - Supervision of the site during the renovation: how I make sure that the contractor performs the work according to the plan you have approved and works well:
Video 7 - How I protect my clients' interests during our work together: https://www.dsearc.co.il/single-post/renovation-and-building-in-israel-how-i-protect-your-interests